The company

Our company, FYTOPHARM EE is a family business based in Athens, and is the natural continuation of the company PHYTOPHARM of agronomist Dimitris Gogolas which is active in the field of agricultural items such as pesticides, health drugs, fertilizers, topsoil, pots, automatic irrigation systems, plants, seeds etc. , since 1983. Today, formal agronomist of the company is Anna Gogola and together with the rest of the stuff, retains the values that have governed the company for the last 38 years. Values such as responsible diagnosis of plant diseases, guidance for the maintenance and growth of your plants, a variety of quality products at affordable prices but above all faith in the idea that stores exist because their customers can and will trust them over time. From 2021 FYTOPHARM creates its online store from where you can make your purchases as well as be informed about new products, offers and receipts of seasonal plants and bulbs.